Friday, March 13, 2015

An introduction

Hi, my name is Angela. I tried to keep up with a blog years ago but life took over. Lately I find myself yerning to write again. I am a proud Air Force wife and mother of 4 precious gifts. God is the center of our family and will remain our first priority. What you will find written here will vary depending on where my eclectic mind is that day.

When my oldest daughter was about to start school, a day I had always imagined, I looked into the schools in the area. They were (and still are) horrible. I started thinking about homeschooling. Then a few days later I saw that a local teacher was arrested for bringing a gun into his elementary class for show and tell. Well that sealed the deal. Now 5 years later I am homeschooling not just my oldest but all 4! It may be my favorite part of life.

Being a military wife has been interesting to say the least. We have only ever had one station, McChord Afb. It is beautiful here and there are so many thing to do and see. Honestly if we weren't so far from home I don't think we would ever want to leave. But we are originally from the east coast. I always dream of someday living close to family and having my kids grow up feeling close to them. As of right now they only see family once a year if we are lucky. That's military life though.

I am sure I forgot to mention something but my littles are waking up. Time for me to put down the screen and live life.

Every good gift and every perfect gift is from above, and comes down from the Father of lights, with whom there is no variation or shadow of turning. James 1:17